Deadpool tells the story of Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) , a former spec ops agent, that falls in love with an equally demented escort by the name of Vanessa Carlysle (Morena Baccarin). Unfortunately Wilson is diagnosed with terminal cancer and will do whatever it takes to recover. When approached by a secret program, Wilson decides to take on whatever is thrown at him in order to be healthy once again. However this program is not all it seems and is actually trying to build a mutant army. Through a series of cringing torture, Wilson ultimately becomes a mutant with extreme healing abilities. Wilson is not the same though and becomes acquires a demented appearance from the torture. Wilson escapes the facility and hopes to find Vanessa but he's not the only one. When the leader of this torture complex, Ajax (Ed Skrein) kidnaps Vanessa, Wilson takes on the mantle as a foul mouthed, hilarious anti-hero by the name of Deadpool.
This film executed the character of Deadpool perfectly. Ryan Reynolds was born to play this character and got the bad taste of Green Lantern out of our mouth (but not before cracking a few jokes about it in this film). Reynolds isn't the only good performance in this film. The brutally honest Weasel (TJ Miller) and the straight edged X-Men, Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) work great with Deadpool. Skrein does a solid job as Ajax and ultimately gets the job done as the villain. The chemistry between the characters is remarkable but it's not the only well accomplished aspect of this movie.
The director, Tim Miller, tackled the breaking of the fourth wall in a well timed and gut-busting manner. A worry of mine going into the film was that audiences would be drowned with jokes. However they were very well paced and beautifully written. This movie had a lot of talk around it when it was approved for an "R" rating. They could've easily just gave it a rated "R" for a storm of curse words and blood but they didn't. Even though there is a great bulk of curse words and blood, it isn't used as a cop out. It's very well placed and adds to the humor in a beautiful way. From the opening credits, audiences will be laughing their ass off. Although this movie isn't strictly humor and action.
Miller accomplished a film with a lot of heart at its core. The relationship between Wade and Vanessa is surprisingly very well developed and easily buyable. Their deranged lifestyles mold well together. Another intriguing aspect of this film is the narrative trajectory. The film tells the story through a series of flashbacks and it works very well.
There are very little concerns with this movie. One complaint is the secret-agency that tortures Wilson. The film could have explained this society a little better. We weren't really sure where they came from. They just showed up and tortured Wilson. It would've been nice to see a little more development. My next complaint is nit picking so it doesn't affect my rating too much. The budget for this film was next to nothing for a superhero film. There were a few shots that it was a little obvious that it was CGI. However that's a very minor complaint.
Deadpool might be one of the better superhero films we've gotten in awhile and the fact it can poke fun at superhero films by breaking the fourth wall only enhances the experience. If you're old enough then I highly recommend going to see this film in theatre. It's so much fun and you will laugh the whole time.
Rating: 9.0 out of 10